c++ - 如何按升序编号输入?

标签 c++ string c++11 io

我有输入形式的文件 input.txt 作为两列字符串,例如:

string1 string2
string3 string4

我试图从 0 开始按升序对字符串进行编号,但重复的字符串不会被分配新值,而是保留已经分配给它们的值。 我决定使用 set::find 操作来执行此操作,但我很难让它工作。这是我到目前为止所拥有的:

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 

  std::ifstream myfile ("input.txt");
  std::string line;
  int num = 0;  // num is the total number of input strings

  if (myfile.is_open()) {      
      while(std::getline(myfile, line)) {

  std::string str1, str1; // strings form input
  int str1Num, str2Num; // numbers assigned to strings

  int i = 0; // used to assign values to strings
  StringInt si;
  std::vector<StringInt> saveStringInts(num);
  std::set<std::string> alreadyCounted(num, 0); 
  std::set<std::string>::iterator sit;

  std::ifstream myfile2 ("input.txt");
  if (myfile2.is_open()) {      
      while(myfile2.good()) {
          // read in input, put it in vars below
          myfile2 >> str1 >> str2;

    // if strings are not already assigned numbers, assign them
    if ((*(sit = alreadyCounted.find(str1)).compare(str1) != 0) { // doesn't work
      str1Num = i++;
    else {
      str1Num = si->getNum(str1);
    if ((*(sit = alreadyCounted.find(str2)).compare(str2) != 0) { 
      str2Num = i++;
    else {
      str2Num = si->getNum(str2);

    // use str1 and str2 in the functions below before the next iteration




你需要比较std::set<int>::iterator针对 end()您的集合的迭代器,而不是取消引用迭代器并将其值与某些东西进行比较!实际上,引用 end()迭代器是未定义的行为:

if ((*(sit = alreadyCounted.find(str1)).compare(str1) != 0) // WRONG: don't do that!


if (alreadyCounted.find(str1) != alreadyCounted.end())

... 另一个字符串也是如此。不过,就个人而言,我会使用不同的技术:当 insert()进入 std::set<T> ,你会得到一对迭代器和一个对象是否被插入的指示器。后者与当前集合的大小一起给出下一个值,例如:

bool result = alreadyCounted.insert(str1).second;
strNum1 = result? alreadyCounted.size() - 1: si->getNum(str1);

关于c++ - 如何按升序编号输入?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18688204/


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