c++ - 奇怪的结构访问错误

标签 c++ struct


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

    struct foo{
        string *question;
        //other elements

    int main(){
        foo *q;
        foo *q2;
        q->question = new string("This is a question"); 
        //q2->question = new string("another question");

当我取消注释 q2->question = new string("another question"); 时,它出错了,我不知道为什么。

更新: 该错误是一条 Windows 消息,指出程序已停止工作并打印 Process exited with return value 3221225477


您的 qq2 指针未初始化。您正在尝试访问尚未分配的内存。作为短期修复:

int main(){
    foo *q = new foo;
    foo *q2 = new foo;
    q->question = new string("This is a question"); 
    q2->question = new string("another question");

    // don't forget to release the memory you allocate!
    delete q->question;
    delete q2->question;
    delete q;
    delete q2;



int main(){
    string q1 = "This is a question";
    string q2 = "another question";

关于c++ - 奇怪的结构访问错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20807380/


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