c++ - 为什么我必须显式定义继承类提供的方法?

标签 c++ inheritance diamond-problem


#include <string>

struct animal
    virtual std::string speak() = 0;

struct bird : public animal
    std::string speak()
        return "SQUAK!";

struct landAnimal : public animal
    virtual int feet() = 0;

struct sparrow : public bird, public landAnimal
    int feet() { return 2; }
    // This solves it, but why is it necessary, doesn't bird provide this?
    // std::string speak(){ return this->speak(); } 

int main()
    sparrow tweety = sparrow();


1>ex.cpp(35): error C2259: 'sparrow': cannot instantiate abstract class
1>  ex.cpp(35): note: due to following members:
1>  ex.cpp(35): note: 'std::string animal::speak(void)': is abstract
1>  ex.cpp(10): note: see declaration of 'animal::speak'



因为,与您标记的不同,您没有继承钻石。你的麻雀是两只动物,其中只有一只被bird具体化了。另一个通过 landAnimal 继承的不是。


旁注,如Martin Bonner正确地指出:

It's probably worth pointing out that the "fix" isn't a fix at all. Any call to sparrow::speak() will cause infinite recursion. It would need to be std::string speak() { return Bird::speak(); }.

关于c++ - 为什么我必须显式定义继承类提供的方法?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51615667/


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