c++ - 传递参数、列表和复制构造函数 C++

标签 c++ list parameter-passing copy-constructor


In a passing parameter, during a function call, the parameters are copied => call to the copy constructor for each parameter. Suppose a List is passed as a parameter, all the elements of the list are copied. If it is a reference to a list, only the address of the list is copied. What's your say about those statements?

我的回答是“如果它是对列表的引用,则不仅复制地址而且复制值”,我得到 5 分(满分 10 分)。 我的回答错了吗?对我来说,这就是我得到的。以上说法正确吗?





Suppose a List is passed as a parameter, all the elements of the list are copied. If it is a reference to a list, only the address of the list is copied.

传递列表或对列表的引用并不重要。重要的是该方法如何获取参数 - 通过值或通过引用:

void foo(list l);
void goo(list& l);

list x;
list& y = x;

foo(x);  //pass a list by value          --copy is made
foo(y);  //pass a reference by value     --copy is made

goo(x);  //pass a list by reference      --no copy of the list
goo(y);  //pass a reference by reference --no copy of the list

关于c++ - 传递参数、列表和复制构造函数 C++,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13247393/


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