可变参数包之前的 C++11 默认模板参数

标签 c++ templates c++11 variadic-templates

为什么模板类参数在带有默认值的参数之后,但在可变参数之前也必须有默认值? Live example

template<class A = int, class B, class ...Args>     // B must have default argument
struct Dat{};

另一方面,如果 A 没有默认参数,一切正常:

template<class A, class B, class ...Args>         // B must have default argument
struct Dat{};



template<class First, class Second> struct X {};

X<int, double> // instantiates X with First == int, Second == double


template<class First, class Second = double> struct X {};

X<int> // instantiates X with First == int, Second == double


template<class First, class Second = double, class Third> struct X {};

X<int, char> // tries to instantiate X with First == int, Second == char,
             // Third == ??


template<class First, class Second = double, class... Pack> struct X {};

X<int> // instantiates X with First == int, Second == double, Pack == (empty)
X<int, char> // First == int, Second == char, Pack == (empty)
X<int, char, short, bool> // First == int, Second == char, Pack == {short, bool}

在 OP 的示例中:

template<class A = int, class B, class ...Args> struct Dat {};
         ^~~~~~~        ^~~~~~~  ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
         |              |        |no argument required
         |              |an argument IS required
         |no argument required

因此您始终必须为第二个参数提供一个参数,因此,您也需要为第一个 参数提供一个参数。不能使用第一个参数的默认参数。

关于可变参数包之前的 C++11 默认模板参数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24757588/


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