c++ - 结构化绑定(bind)声明示例中的 if-with-initializer 格式错误?

标签 c++ c++17

我正在阅读 Structured binding declaration on cppreference.com


#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::set<std::string> myset;
    if (auto [iter, success] = myset.insert("Hello"); success) 
        std::cout << "insert is successful. The value is " << 
        std::quoted(*iter) << '\n';
        std::cout << "The value " << std::quoted(*iter) << " already 
        exists in the set\n";



attr(optional) cv-auto ref-operator(optional) [ identifier-list ] = expression ; (1)

attr(optional) cv-auto ref-operator(optional) [ identifier-list ] { expression } ; (2)

attr(optional) cv-auto ref-operator(optional) [ identifier-list ] ( expression ) ; (3)

对我来说,它看起来像是演绎类型 (1)。但这对我来说毫无意义,因为

expression - an expression that does not have the comma operator at the top level (grammatically, an assignment-expression), and has either array or non-union class type. If expression refers to any of the names from identifier-list, the declaration is ill-formed.


auto [iter, success] = myset.insert("Hello");

只会将插入的 "Hello" 分配给 iter 并且 success 会是什么?!?反之则会违反表达式部分。但它显然可以编译和运行,所以我一定是遗漏了什么


which says that the declaration is ill formed if the expression is in the identifier list

不是这么说的。它表示如果表达式 使用标识符列表 中的任何名称,则它是错误格式的。 myset.insert("Hello")不这样做所以没关系。

std::set::insert返回 std::pair<std::set::iterator, bool> std::set::iterator在哪里标记元素位置和 bool指示是否已插入。所以auto [iter, success] = myset.insert("Hello")捕获该对并设置 iterstd::set::iteratorsuccessbool .

关于c++ - 结构化绑定(bind)声明示例中的 if-with-initializer 格式错误?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53787312/


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