c++ - 关于 C++ 中的右移运算符 >>

标签 c++

这是我今天看到的一个 C++ 程序:

for (int i = 0; i < LEVELS; ++i)
    int pyr_rows = rows >> i;      // what is the usage of >> i here ? 
    int pyr_cols = cols >> i;      // why we what to use it in this way.

    depths_curr_[i].create (pyr_rows, pyr_cols);


    int rows = 5;
int cols = 3;
for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
    int pyr_rows = rows >> i;
    std::cout << "current i is:" << i << std::endl;     
    std::cout << "pyr_rows is: " << pyr_rows << std::endl << std::endl;

    int pyr_cols = cols >> i;
    std::cout << "current i is:" << i << std::endl;
    std::cout << "pyr_cols is: " << pyr_cols << std::endl << std::endl;



current i is:0
pyr_rows is: 5

current i is:0
pyr_cols is: 3

current i is:1
pyr_rows is: 2          // from now on 
                        // the outputs of pyr_rows and pyr_cols are weird to me
current i is:1
pyr_cols is: 1           

current i is:2
pyr_rows is: 1          

current i is:2
pyr_cols is: 0

current i is:3
pyr_rows is: 0

current i is:3
pyr_cols is: 0

current i is:4
pyr_rows is: 0

current i is:4
pyr_cols is: 0



它不是“提取运算符”,而是右移运算符,这就是 >>> 在 C++ 开始发明疯狂的重载方法之前的意思。我从 pyr 猜测这是金字塔图像处理?这个想法是每次 i 增加 1 时,金字塔中的行数和列数都减半。这是因为右移 i 基本上是除法(向下舍入)2^i。

关于c++ - 关于 C++ 中的右移运算符 >>,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17348801/


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