c++ - 为什么我会收到 "void value not ignored as ought to be"错误?

标签 c++ oop pointers reference void


无论如何,这是手头的问题。我正在制作一个基于控制台的小型“游戏”,您可以在其中尝试找到从起点 Location 到终点 Location 的方式。 Location 头文件如下所示:

enum Direction {NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST};

class Location{
    string name;
    bool visited;
    Location* neighbors[4];

    Location(string locName);
    string getDescription();
    bool hasNeighbor(Direction dir);
    Location* getNeighbor(Direction dir);
    void setNeighbor(Direction dir,  Location* neighborLoc);
    string getName();
    void setName(string newName);
    bool visit();
    bool getVisited();

该程序的基本思想是每个 Location 都有四个其他可能的 Location 可以链接到。 “游戏”的目标是让玩家从一个位置开始,在本例中是“一个又深又黑的洞穴”,并通过遍历这些 Location 最终到达地表。

为了设置它,我有一个生成整个场景的函数 void buildMap(Location* startLoc, Location* endLoc)。我面临的问题是在这个函数中出现的,我不明白问题是什么。对于使用 setNeighbor() 函数的每一行,我都收到错误“void value not ignored as ought to”。我调查了这个错误,发现最常见的原因是当一个程序试图使用一个函数时,就好像它正在返回一个值,但我不知道我可以在哪里做。这是我的函数的示例:

void buildMap(Location* startLoc, Location* endLoc){

    //Initialize all of the locations on the heap with temporary pointers
    startLoc = new Location("a deep, dark cave");
    endLoc = new Location("the surface");
    Location* passage = new Location("a musty passage");
    Location* shaft = new Location("a twisting shaft");
    Location* alcove = new Location("a dusty alcove");
    Location* toSurface = new Location("a passage to the surface");
    Location* cavern = new Location("a collapsed cavern");
    Location* shore = new Location("the shores of an underground lake");

    //Set up the deep, dark, cave's neighbors
    *startLoc->setNeighbor(NORTH, passage);     //IDE changed my "." to a "->"? 
    *startLoc->setNeighbor(EAST, shore);       
    *startLoc->setNeighbor(SOUTH, cavern);

    //Set up the musty passage's neighbors
    *passage->setNeighbor(EAST, shaft);
    *passage->setNeighbor(SOUTH, startLoc);

    //Set up the twisting shaft's neighbors
    *shaft->setNeighbor(EAST, alcove);
    *shaft->setNeighbor(SOUTH, shore);

    //Set up the dusty alcove's neighbors
    *alcove->setNeighbor(SOUTH, toSurface);

    //Set up the passage to the surface's neighbors
    *toSurface->setNeighbor(NORTH, alcove);
    *toSurface->setNeighbor(WEST, endLoc);

    //Set up the collapsed cavern's neighbors
    *toSurface->setNeighbor(NORTH, startLoc);

    //Set up the shore's neighbors
    *toSurface->setNeighbor(NORTH, shaft);
    *toSurface->setNeighbor(WEST, startLoc);

如果有帮助,这里还有 setNeighbor 函数:

void Location::setNeighbor(Direction dir, Location* neighborLoc){
    neighbors[dir] = neighborLoc;


C:\Users\Zachary\Documents\School\CS162\Location\main.cpp:30: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
             *startLoc->setNeighbor(NORTH, passage);  



*startLoc->setNeighbor(NORTH, passage);

该行试图取消对 void 的引用,这是行不通的。该行应显示为

startLoc->setNeighbor(NORTH, passage); // note the lack of *

所有 setNeighbor 调用也是如此。

关于c++ - 为什么我会收到 "void value not ignored as ought to be"错误?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21276166/


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