c++ - 下面的代码无法编译。可能是因为带有 std=c++2a 的 GCC 仍然没有完全跟上最新的草案

标签 c++ language-lawyer c++20

[class.mem]/6 :

A complete-class context of a class is a

(6.1) function body, (6.2) default argument, (6.3) noexcept-specifier ([except.spec]), (6.4) contract condition, or (6.5) default member initializer

within the member-specification of the class. [ Note: A complete-class context of a nested class is also a complete-class context of any enclosing class, if the nested class is defined within the member-specification of the enclosing class. — end note ]

这一段是在带有pull-request的草案中引入的#2231 .

据我所知,根据上面的注释,下面的代码应该可以编译。但是it doesn't .我假设 GCC 编译器仍未与最新草案保持同步。我是正确的,还是我对这篇笔记的理解不正确?

struct A {
    int i = 1;
    struct B { 
        int j = 2;
        int f() {
            return i + j;


source>: In member function 'int A::B::f()':
<source>:6:20: error: invalid use of non-static data member 'A::i'
    6 |             return i + j;
      |                    ^
<source>:2:9: note: declared here
    2 |     int i = 1;
      |         ^




struct A {
    struct B { 
        int j = 2;
        int f() {
            using T = decltype(i); // ok, even though 'i' declared later lexically
            return T{} + j;        // ok
    int i = 1;


struct A {
    struct B { 
        int j = 2;
        int f() {
            return i + j; // ok, even though 'i' declared later lexically
    static const int i = 1;

的确,这在 C++11 中一直没问题。

但是 i 仍然是一个非静态成员,因此您只能从类型为 A 的对象的上下文中访问它。在 B 的成员函数体内,我们并没有隐含地拥有一个 A 对象。所以这样免费使用 i 仍然是错误的。


I'm assuming that the GCC compiler is still not up to date with the most recent draft.


关于c++ - 下面的代码无法编译。可能是因为带有 std=c++2a 的 GCC 仍然没有完全跟上最新的草案,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54696050/


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