c++ - 为什么这里会出现字节顺序问题?

标签 c++ endianness

我正在阅读 this thread关于指针别名规则,一个答案给出了以下示例,其中提到了字节顺序的潜在问题,我想知道是否有人可以告诉我以下代码中的字节顺序问题什么

struct Msg
   unsigned int a;
   unsigned int b;

int main()
   // Pass data to something; if the implementer of this API were
   // strict-aliasing-aware, he would have taken a char*, not a unsigned int*
   Msg* msg = new Msg();
   msg->a = 1;
   msg->b = 2;

   // stupidBuffer is an alias for msg.
   // yes I know there are endianess problems here (WHY??), but my API is stupid and 
   // only works for one platform
   unsigned int* stupidBuffer = reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(msg);

   SendToStupidApi( stupidBuffer );   


没有任何字节序问题。只要 StupidApi 不涉及通过网络发送它或在平台之间进行序列化,那么就根本没有字节顺序问题。

关于c++ - 为什么这里会出现字节顺序问题?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7293291/


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