c++ - 将类型 T 的多态包装器转换为类型 U?

标签 c++ templates types c++11 polymorphism

考虑以下非法 C++11 代码背后的意图:

struct Base
    template<typename U>
    virtual U convert() = 0;

template<typename T>
struct Derived : Base
    T t;

    template<typename U>
    virtual U convert() { return U(t); }

struct Any
    Base* b;

    template<typename U>
    operator U() { return b->convert<U>(); }

int main()
    Any a = ...;
    string s = a; // s = a->b->t if T is convertible to string
                  //    fails otherwise with compile error or runtime exception
                  //                            (either acceptable)




struct Base
    void* p;
    type_info type;

template<typename T>
struct Derived : Base
         p = &t; // immovable
         type = typeid(T);

    T t;

struct Any
    Base* b;

    template<typename T = U, typename U>
    operator U()
        if (b->type != typeid(T))
           throw exception();

        T* t = (T*) b->p;

        return U(*t);



struct Base
  virtual void* convert(const std::type_info&) = 0;

template<typename T>
struct Derived : Base
  virtual void* convert(const std::type_info& ti)
  { return typeid(T) == ti ? &t : nullptr; }

  T t;

struct Any
  Base* b;

  template<typename U>
    operator U()
      if (auto p = b->convert(typeid(U)))
        return *static_cast<U*>(p);
      throw std::exception();


编辑 哦,我现在明白了,您希望它适用于任何可转换类型,而不仅仅是精确匹配...那么不,您不能将 type_info 返回到它表示的类型中,派生类型需要它来测试给定的 type_info 是否对应于其存储类型可转换为的类型。您需要知道正确的类型并通过推导显式或隐式地以某种方式指定它。如果您随后想将其转换为另一种类型,您可以单独进行:

Any a{ new Derived<int>() };
try {
  char c = a;  // throws
catch (...)
int i = a;        // OK
char c = (int)a;  // OK

关于c++ - 将类型 T 的多态包装器转换为类型 U?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14097572/


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