javascript - 使用javascript仅更改元素中的文本

标签 javascript html text replace


是否有一种简单的方法可以仅使用 vanilla javascript 更改元素的文本?在下面的代码中,我认为使用 .textContent 而不是 .innerHTML 会更改文本并留下图像。

        function change_stuff() {
            var div = document.getElementById('to_change');
            div.textContent = "'s an image!";
    <div id="to_change">
        This is a huge block of text that I want to replace while leaving the image in place
        <img src="./the_image.jpg">
    <button onclick="change_stuff();">
        ThE dOER!!


function change_stuff() {
    var div = document.getElementById('to_change');
    var text = div.textContent;

    div.textContent = text.replace(text, "");




function change_stuff() {
  // get the first child node, in your code which is the text node
  var t = document.getElementById('to_change').firstChild;

  // update the text contents in the node
  t.nodeValue = "";

  // or t.textContent = "";

  // or remove the node itself
  // t.parentNode.removeChild(t)
<div id="to_change">
  This is a huge block of text that I want to replace while leaving the image in place
  <img src="./the_image.jpg">
<button onclick="change_stuff();">
  ThE dOER!!

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