C++ 替换文件文本 - 不工作

标签 c++ fstream

我正在尝试通过搜索用户名来创建更改密码功能,如果找到确认通过,如果为 true,则将密码替换为 newPass。



tempPass.replace(0, tempPass.length(), newPass); 


void AccountManager::changePassword(AccountManager & account) {
  string  username, password, newPass, passwordConf, tempUser, tempPass;
  fstream openFile("UserPass.txt", ios_base::out | ios_base::in | ios_base::app);

  // / Check if username exsists.
  do {
    cout << "Enter your username: " << endl;
    getline(cin, username);
    cout << "Enter you current password: " << endl;
    getline(cin, password);

    if (account.UserPass[username] != password) {
      cout << "Username and password do not match. " << endl;
  } while (account.UserPass[username] != password);

  do {
    cout << "Enter new password: " << endl;
    getline(cin, newPass);
    cout << "Retype password: " << endl;
    getline(cin, passwordConf);

    if (newPass != passwordConf) {
      cout << "Password does not match confirmation. " << endl;
  } while (newPass != passwordConf);

  // /find / replace password with newPass in file
  while (!openFile.eof()) {
    getline(openFile, tempUser, ';');
    getline(openFile, tempPass);

    if ((tempUser == username) && (tempPass == password)) {
      ofstream openFile("UserPass.txt", ios_base::app);

      tempPass.replace(0, tempPass.length(), newPass);    // changes pass in file at index ;+1
      cout << "Password has been changed. " << endl;
      switchLog(account);                                 // Login on successful password change.

  account.UserPass[username] = newPass;





  1. 阅读文件的全部内容
  2. 对内存中读取的数据进行修改
  3. 将修改后的数据写入新文件
  4. 删除旧文件

阅读Why is it not possible to erase contents from a file in C++?了解更多详情。

关于C++ 替换文件文本 - 不工作,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23772639/


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