c++ - 找到解决方案的最有效方法 - C++

标签 c++ performance encryption

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在过去的几周里,我一直在学习 C++,并被分配了一项任务。我已经完成了这项任务,并想知道是否有人能够为我指出正确的方向,以使我的代码更加高效和直接。


请看下面的部分 PDL 程序,它读取一个表示要加密的值的(三位)整数,一个表示加密 key 的(一位)整数,加密该值并打印加密的值。使用的加密方法是将给定数字中的每个数字替换为((该数字加 key 的总和)模 10),然后交换第一个和最后一个“加密”数字。
produceEncryptedNumber output( "Enter the original three-digit number: ") input( originalNumber) //read in a (three-digit) number output( "Enter the key: ") input( key) //read in a (one-digit) number call isolateDigits //find out the 3 digits that make up the number call replaceDigits //’encrypt’ each of the three digits call swapDigit1WithDigit3 //swap first and last digit call recomposeEncryptedNumber //recreate encrypted number from ‘encrypted’ values //output encrypted number output( "The encrypted number for ", originalNumber, " is ", encryptedNumber, ".")
例如,如果输入的数字是 216,给定的 key 是 7,那么在应用所描述的加密过程后,第一个数字 (2) 将变为 9,中间数字 (1) 将变为 8,最后一个数字 (6) 将变为3. 然后交换第一个和最后一个加密数字。程序显示加密的数字:在本例中为 389。

Enter the original three-digit number: 216 Enter the key: 7 The encrypted number for 216 is 389.Enter the original three-digit number: 123 Enter the key: 7 The encrypted number for 123 is 098


using namespace std;

// Global Variables 
int originalNumber, key, a, b, c, number, valA, valB, valC, encryptedNumber;

// Main Section of the Program
int main()

    // Get original Number
    cout << ("\nEnter the original three-digit number: ");
    cin >> originalNumber;

    // Get Key
    cout << ("\nEnter the key: ");
    cin >> key;

    // Call isolateDigits
    void isolateDigits();

    // Call replaceDigits
    void replaceDigits();

    // Call swapDigit1WithDigit3
    void swapDigit1WithDigit3();

    // Call recomposeEncryptedNumber
    void recomposeEncryptedNumber();

    // Check for a 3-digit outcome and print out the original + final values

    // If the value of the outcome is more than 2-digits and less than 3-digits, then add a single 0 at the front of the output.
    if (encryptedNumber >= 9 && encryptedNumber <= 99)
        cout << "\nThe encrypted number for " << originalNumber << " is 0" << encryptedNumber << ".\n\n";

    // If the value of the outcome is less than 2-digits, then add two 00's at the front of the output.
    else if (encryptedNumber <= 9)
        cout << "\nThe encrypted number for " << originalNumber << " is 00" << encryptedNumber << ".\n\n";

    // If the value is 3-digits exactly then simply output the value in the normal order. 
        cout << "\nThe encrypted number for " << originalNumber << " is " << encryptedNumber << ".\n\n";

    // Pause at end

// isolateDigits procedure
void isolateDigits()
    a = originalNumber / 100 % 10;
    b = originalNumber / 10 % 10;
    c = originalNumber % 10;

// replaceDigits procedure for Encryption
void replaceDigits()
    valA = a + key;
    valB = b + key;
    valC = c + key;

// swapDigit1WithDigit3 procedure
void swapDigit1WithDigit3()
    valC = a + key;
    valB = b + key;
    valA = c + key;

// recomposeEncryptedNumber procedure
void recomposeEncryptedNumber()
    // Check for values above 2-digits
    if (valA >= 10)
        valA = valA - 10;
    if (valB >= 10)
        valB = valB - 10;
    if (valC >= 10)
        valC = valC - 10;

    // Put the values together
    encryptedNumber = 100 * valA + 10 * valB + valC;


非常感谢有关如何改进此解决方案的任何提示,我总是热衷于学习新事物,请放轻松,我对 C++ 编程还是很陌生。谢谢。



  • 将您的加密代码移动到它自己的类中
  • 将步骤收集到一个单独的加密函数中
  • 替换数字实际上在您当前的解决方案中没有做任何有用的工作

  • 我是否可以建议您从 Encryptor 类的以下声明开始,然后从那里开始:
    class Encryptor
      void setKey(int key);
      unsigned int encryptNumber(unsigned int number);
      void isolateDigits();
      void replaceDigits();
      void swapDigits();
      void recomposeNumber();
      unsigned int a,b,c;
      unsigned int number;
      unsigned int key;


    作为提示,replaceDigits 看起来像:
    void Encryptor::replaceDigits()
      a += key;
      b += key;
      c += key;

    关于c++ - 找到解决方案的最有效方法 - C++,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26719759/


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