c++ 和 Boost python 简单函数

标签 c++ python-2.7 boost-python

我构建了这个 .so

#include <vector>

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/suite/indexing/vector_indexing_suite.hpp>

extern "C"
    // A function adding two integers and returning the result
    int SampleAddInt(int i1, int i2)
        return i1 + i2;

    // A function doing nothing ;)
    void SampleFunction1()
        // insert code here

    // A function always returning zero
    int SampleFunction2()
        // insert code here

        return 0;

    char const* greet()
        return "hello, world";

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class hello
    hello(const std::string& country)
        this->country = country;
    std::string greet() const
        return "Hello from " + country;
    std::string country;

// A function taking a hello object as an argument.
std::string invite(const hello& w)
    return w.greet() + "! Please come soon!";

boost::python::tuple HeadAndTail(boost::python::object sequence)
    return make_tuple(sequence[0], sequence[-1]);

namespace py = boost::python;

    using namespace boost::python;

    def("greet", greet);
    def("SampleAddInt", SampleAddInt);
    def("HeadAndTail", HeadAndTail);

    // Create the Python type object for our extension class and define __init__ function.
    boost::python::class_<hello>("hello", init<std::string>())
    .def("greetclass", &hello::greet)  // Add a regular member function.
    .def("invite", invite)  // Add invite() as a regular function to the module.

    def("invite", invite); // Even better, invite() can also be made a member of module!!!

将其与 boost_python 链接。

在 python 中,我然后说:(使用正确的 .so 路径)

from ctypes import cdll
mydll = cdll.LoadLibrary('libHelloWorldPythonCpp.so')

#    import hello_ext

print mydll.greet()
vec = [-4, -2, 0, 2, 4]
print vec
print mydll.HeadAndTail(vec)


mydll.greet() 时,我得到了一个奇怪的值

被注释掉的 import hello_ext 代码会在我删除注释时出错,ImportError: No module named hello_ext .


print mydll.SampleAddInt(6, 3)

有效,但我无法访问其余代码,例如 invite HeadAndTail 等。例如

AttributeError: /home/idf/Documents/BOOST_Python/HelloWorldPythonCpp/bin/Release/libHelloWorldPythonCpp.so: undefined symbol: HeadAndTail


boost::python::tuple HeadAndTail(boost::python::object sequence)
    return make_tuple(sequence[0], sequence[-1]);

在 extern "C"里面然后它似乎工作。但是当我传递 vec 时出现错误:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/spyderlib/widgets/externalshell/sitecustomize.py", line 540, in runfile
    execfile(filename, namespace)
  File "/home/idf/.spyder2/.temp.py", line 17, in <module>
    print mydll.HeadAndTail(vec)
ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 1: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: Don't know how to convert parameter 1


idf@C55t-A:~/Documents/BOOST_Python/HelloWorldPythonCpp/bin/Release$ readelf -Ws libHelloWorldPythonCpp.so | grep -i sample
   118: 0000000000008430     2 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   11 SampleFunction1
   120: 0000000000008440     3 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   11 SampleFunction2
   234: 0000000000008410     4 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   11 SampleAddInt


idf@C55t-A:~/Documents/BOOST_Python/HelloWorldPythonCpp/bin/Release$ readelf -Ws libHelloWorldPythonCpp.so | grep -i head  
   230: 0000000000008560   483 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   11 _Z11HeadAndTailN5boost6python3api6objectE

所以 HeadAndTail 似乎被破坏了。

  1. 我在问候语等案例中遗漏了什么?
  2. 为什么导入 hello_ext 会报错?
  3. 如何调用似乎是 c++ 的 HeadAndTail
  4. Python 中的 boost::python::object 序列是什么类型?
  5. 如何在类中调用函数“greetclass”?








  1. 我正在使用 spyder IDE,但没有将工作目录设置为 .so 的路径。如果从命令行运行,可能有复杂的 PYTHONPATH 类型的东西可以工作,但在运行 .py 文件的同一目录中有 .so。
  2. 您不需要这些 from ctypes import cdll mydll = cdll.LoadLibrary 废话。可能将您的 .so 命名为您在 BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(same_name_as_lib_name) 中提供的相同名称。因此,如果您的库名为 hello.so,请将 hello 放在 BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE() 中。然后只需说 import hello 然后调用像 print hello.greet()
  3. 这样的函数
  4. 我根本不需要说 extern "C"。

关于c++ 和 Boost python 简单函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29398642/


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