c++ - 如果我移动一个值来注册和编辑它会有什么不同

标签 c++ inline-assembly

最近我决定开始使用内联汇编和 C++ 编写代码..


void PrintAsm(void* Array, int Count)
        cmp Count, 0
            jle Done
            jg LoopArray

        LoopArray :
        mov byte ptr[Array], 0
            inc Array
            dec Count
            jnz LoopArray
            jmp Done

        Done :

int main()
    char* Array = new char[10]; 

    for (int i(0); i < 10; i++) Array[i] = (char)rand();

    for (int i (0); i < 10; i++) std::cout << (int)Array[i] << " ";
    PrintAsm(Array, 10);

    std::cout << "\n\n";

    for (int i(0); i < 10; i++) std::cout << (int)Array[i] << " ";

    delete[] Array;

    std::cout << "\n\n";


    return 0;


41 35 -66 -124 -31 108 -42 -82 -82 -112

41 35 -66 -124 -31 108 -42 -82 -82 -112


void PrintAsm(void* Array, int Count)
        mov ecx, Array
        mov edx, Count
        cmp edx, 0
        jle Done
        jg LoopArray

        mov byte ptr[ecx], 0
        inc ecx
        dec edx
        jnz LoopArray
        jmp Done


int main()
    char* Array = new char[10]; 

    for (int i(0); i < 10; i++) Array[i] = (char)rand();

    for (int i (0); i < 10; i++) std::cout << (int)Array[i] << " ";
    PrintAsm(Array, 10);

    std::cout << "\n\n";

    for (int i(0); i < 10; i++) std::cout << (int)Array[i] << " ";

    delete[] Array;

    std::cout << "\n\n";


    return 0;


41 35 -66 -124 -31 108 -42 -82 -82 -112

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




I'm trying to zero array length just like ...

相关的,这是我使用的,因为 GCC 的潜在问题及其对 volatile 限定符含义的解释。

// g++ -Og -g3 -m64 wipe.cpp -o wipe.exe
// g++ -Og -g3 -m32 wipe.cpp -o wipe.exe

// g++ -Os -g2 -S -m64 wipe.cpp -o wipe.exe.S
// g++ -Os -g2 -S -m32 wipe.cpp -o wipe.exe.S

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    string s("Hello world");
    cout << "S: " << s << endl;

    char* ptr = &s[0];
    size_t size = s.length();

    if(ptr && size)
        /* Needed because we can't just say to GCC, */
        /*   "give me a register that you choose".  */
        void* dummy;

        __asm__ __volatile__
         "%=:\n\t"                /* generate a unique label for TOP */

#if (__WORDSIZE == 64)
         "subq $1, %2\n\t"        /* 0-based index */
#elif (__WORDSIZE == 32)
         "subl $1, %2\n\t"        /* 0-based index */
#elif (__WORDSIZE == 16)
         "subw $1, %2\n\t"        /* 0-based index */
# error Unknown machine word size

         "lea (%1, %2), %0\n\t"   /* calcualte ptr[idx] */
         "movb $0, (%0)\n\t"      /* 0 -> ptr[size - 1] .. ptr[0] */
         "jnz %=b\n\t"            /* Back to TOP if non-zero */

         : "=&r" (dummy)
         :  "r" (ptr), "r" (size)
         : "0", "1", "2", "cc"

#if 0
    cout.setf(ios::hex, ios::basefield);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
        cout << "0x" << setw(2) << ((int)s[i] & 0xff) << " ";

    cout << endl;

    cout << "S: " << s << endl;

    return 0;

关于c++ - 如果我移动一个值来注册和编辑它会有什么不同,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30008385/


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