c++ - 用 fstream 在最后一行写

标签 c++ string file c++11 fstream

我试图替换文本文件中的字符串。类似于 replace() 函数。


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
Using namespace std;
int main()

fstream file("C:\\Users\\amir hossein\\Desktop\\Temp1\\test1.txt");

char *sub; sub = new char[20]; sub = "amir";
char *replace1; replace1 = new char[20]; replace1 = "reza";
char *buffer; buffer = new char[100];

int i, temp; streampos flag;
int c=0,mark;
bool flagforwrite=0;

if (file.is_open()){
    while (!file.eof()) {
        flag = file.tellg();
        file.getline(buffer, 100);    //We'll Search Sub inside of Buffer, if true, we'll replace it with Replace string
        for (i=0;buffer[i];i++){
            mark=i; c=0;
            while (sub[c] && sub[c]== buffer[mark]){
                c++; mark++;

            if (!sub[c]){   //Make Changes in The Line
                for (int j=i,count=0;count<strlen(replace1);j++,count++) buffer[j] = replace1[count]; //until here, we've replace1d the sub


        if (flagforwrite){   //Write The line ( After Whole Changes In line have been made!!
                file << buffer << "\n";   // ENDL here IS SUPER IMPORTANT!! IF you don't put it, I'll mess it up
                if(file.bad()) cout << "Error\n";

else cout << "Error!!\n";
delete[] sub;
delete[] replace1;
delete[] buffer;

return 0;


我的文本文件包括 4 行:

Hi My name is amir and also my friend's name is amir too!
Hi My name is amir and also my friend's name is amir too!
Hi My name is amir and also my friend's name is amir too!
Hi My name is amir and also my friend's name is amir too!


Hi My name is reza and also my friend's name is reza too!
Hi My name is reza and also my friend's name is reza too!
Hi My name is reza and also my friend's name is reza too!
Hi My name is amir and also my friend's name is amir too!



if (flagforwrite){ 
                    file << buffer << "\n";
                    if(file.bad()) cout << "Error\n";


我正在使用 GNU GCC 编译器。


我找到问题了!是eof()造成的! 所以我没有使用 while(!file.eof()) 我使用了 while(file.getline(buffer,100))

我也将 file.tellg() 移动到末尾,并定义了这样的行:streampos line=file.tellg();

关于c++ - 用 fstream 在最后一行写,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35165320/


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