c++ - 检索数字短语

标签 c++ sapi

我在这里找到了另一篇文章,但我无法对其发表评论。它是一个带有数字的语法文件。我将如何检索这些数字?我知道我可以使用 wcscmp 函数,但假设有 200 个数字;这将是很多 if else 语句相互之间。我怎样才能同时搜索 pPhrase->Rule 规则层次结构并分配一个规则指针。



<rule name="phoneno">
  <phrase min="7" max="10">
    <ruleref name="digit" propname="digit"/>

<rule name="digit">
    <p val="0">zero</p>
    <p val="1">one</p>
    <p val="2">two</p>
    <p val="3">three</p>
    <p val="4">four</p>
    <p val="5">five</p>
    <p val="6">six</p>
    <p val="7">seven</p>
    <p val="8">eight</p>
    <p val="9">nine</p>


SPPHRASE *pElements;
std::wstring str;

// Get the phrase elements, one of which is the rule id we specified in
// the grammar.  Switch on it to figure out which command was recognized.

if (SUCCEEDED(pPrhase->GetPhrase(&pElements))) {
    SPPHRASE phrase = *pElements;
    WCHAR *pText;
    const SPPHRASEPROPERTY *pProp = phrase.pProperties;

        str = pText;
    else {


switch (pElements->Rule.ulId) {
    case digit:
        while (pProp != NULL) {
            if (wcscmp(L"digit", phrase.Rule.pszName) == 0) {
                if (wcscmp(L"one", pProp->pFirstChild->pszValue) == 0) {
                    pProp = pProp->pNextSibling;
                else if (wcscmp(L"two", pProp->pFirstChild->pszValue) == 0) {
                    pProp = pProp->pNextSibling;
                else if (wcscmp(L"three", pProp->pFirstChild->pszValue) == 0) {
                    pProp = pProp->pNextSibling;
                // all the way up to nine
            // now let us say there is a another digit after the first digit. 
            // so the number can be from 11 - 99, would I need to place the second digit
            // within each of the "first digit if / else if statements"?    Or is there
            // an efficient way to do this? 


在某些时候,使用 Microsoft 的语法编译器 (gc.exe) 生成 ID 列表会变得更容易,因此您可以轻松地只比较 ID,而不是按照规则名称进行。代码的最终结果类似于:

SPPHRASE *pElements;

// Get the phrase elements, one of which is the rule id we specified in
// the grammar.  Switch on it to figure out which command was recognized.
if (SUCCEEDED(pPhrase->GetPhrase(&pElements)))
    switch ( pElements->Rule.ulId )
        case VID_RuleNameHere:
           //Do stuff here

您可以阅读更多关于如何做到这一点的信息 here.在对语法文件运行 gc.exe 时,您还需要指定/H 开关。

关于c++ - 检索数字短语,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35486099/


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