c++ - 多线程访问冲突读取位置C++

标签 c++ windows multithreading timer

我有一个 C++ 应用程序,它有一个主线程和一个 Poco::Timer 来触发回调,该回调使用 Poco::FileOutputStream 写入文件:

FileOutputStream file("test.txt", ios::binary); <-- *Access violation reading location here*
file.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&data), sizeof(data));


testProject.exe!std::ctype::widen(char _Byte=' ') Line 1716 + 0xf bytes C++ testProject.exe!std::basic_ios >::widen(char _Byte=' ') Line 126 C++ testProject.exe!std::basic_ios >::init(std::basic_streambuf > * _Strbuf=0x038ef700, bool _Isstd=false) Line 135 + 0xa bytes C++ testProject.exe!std::basic_ostream >::basic_ostream >(std::basic_streambuf > * _Strbuf=0x038ef700, bool _Isstd=false) Line 54 C++ testProject.exe!Poco::FileOutputStream::FileOutputStream(const std::basic_string,std::allocator > & path="c:\Projects\TestProject\test.txt", int mode=32) Line 93 + 0xa3 bytes C++ testProject.exe!OPC_Server::OnTimer(Poco::Timer & timer={...}) Line 3656 + 0x13 bytes C++ testProject.exe!Poco::TimerCallback::invoke(Poco::Timer & timer={...}) Line 212 + 0x14 bytes C++ testProject.exe!Poco::Timer::run() Line 197 + 0x19 bytes C++ testProject.exe!Poco::PooledThread::run() Line 200 + 0x15 bytes C++ testProject.exe!Poco::`anonymous namespace'::RunnableHolder::run() Line 57 + 0x17 bytes C++ testProject.exe!Poco::ThreadImpl::runnableEntry(void * pThread=0x00db6afc) Line 207 + 0x20 bytes C++ testProject.exe!_callthreadstartex() Line 348 + 0xf bytes C testProject.exe!_threadstartex(void * ptd=0x00db6d00) Line 331 C

跟踪堆栈,计时器线程似乎读取 xlocale 内部 header 中调用堆栈顶部的初始化_Byte :

_Elem __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL widen(char _Byte) const
    {   // widen char
        return (do_widen(_Byte)); <-- failed: Access violation reading location 

ios 标准 header 中堆栈中的第二个条目:

_Elem __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL widen(char _Byte) const
    {   // convert _Byte to character using imbued locale
        const _Ctype& _Ctype_fac = _USE(getloc(), _Ctype);
        return (_Ctype_fac.widen(_Byte)); <-- call the top of the stack

ios 标准 header 中堆栈中的第三个条目:

    void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL init(_Mysb *_Strbuf = 0,
        bool _Isstd = false)
        {   // initialize with stream buffer pointer
        _Init();    // initialize ios_base
        _Mystrbuf = _Strbuf;
        _Tiestr = 0;
        _Fillch = widen(' '); <-- call the second entry


是否需要设置任何权限设置才能使 Poco::Timer 正常运行?还是我遗漏了一些非常明显的东西?感谢您的帮助。


Poco 版本:1.7.3




MS 的 _tmain() 显然比 ma​​in() 做了一些额外的事情。

抱歉,调用 _tmain() 的不是 _tmain(),而是 _tmainCRTStartup。当 _tmain() 退出时,会运行其他清理代码,我的项目不会以某种方式终止并且应用程序似乎仍在“正在运行”。

关于c++ - 多线程访问冲突读取位置C++,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37479080/


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