c++ - 将 cpp_int 类型导出到位时,boost::multiprecision::export_bits 丢失符号

标签 c++ boost bit


typedef multiprecision::int512_t balance_value;
vector<uint8_t> byteSet;
export_bits(static_cast<boost::multiprecision::int512_t>(balance), back_inserter(byteSet), 8);

当我尝试将位导入回 int512_t 时,值的符号丢失了。

balance_value balance;
import_bits(balance, byteSet.begin(), byteSet.end());


这是设计使然。 documentation

Exports the absolute value of val to OutputIterator out. The function will write chunk_size bits at a time to the OutputIterator, and if msv_first is true, will write the most-significant block first. Byte and bit order within each chunk_size block is always in the machines native format. Further, each block is stored in a boost::uintmax_t when it's assigned to *out.


关于c++ - 将 cpp_int 类型导出到位时,boost::multiprecision::export_bits 丢失符号,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40653907/


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