c++ - 虚基类初始化

标签 c++ c++11 constructor virtual-inheritance ctor-initializer


#include <iostream>

struct Car
 Car() : price(20000) {}
 Car(double b) : price(b*1.1) {}
 double price;
struct Toyota : public virtual Car 
 Toyota(double b) : Car(b) {}

struct Prius : public Toyota
 Prius(double b) : Toyota(b)  {}

int main(int argc, char** argv)
 Prius p(30000);

 std::cout << p.price << std::endl;

 return 0;


All sub-objects representing virtual base classes are initialized by the constructor of the most derived class. If the constructor of the most derived class does not specify a mem-initializer for a virtual base class V, then V's default construtor is called to initialize the virtual base class subobject.





struct Car
 Car() : price(20000) {}
 Car(double b) : price(b*1.1) {}
 double price;
 virtual ~Car() = default;

struct Toyota : public Car 
 Toyota(double b) : Car(b) {}

Live Run

Toyota 是一辆 Car 并且不需要虚拟继承。


关于c++ - 虚基类初始化,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52112556/


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