python - 使用 Google App Engine 上的 Django 将错误记录到数据库

标签 python django google-app-engine logging error-handling

是否有一个项目可以在 Google App Engine 上记录对 Django 的请求中的错误?到数据存储区(如 django-db-logdjango.crashlog )?



使用内置的 google.appengine.ext.ereporter模块:

A logging handler that records information about unique exceptions.

'Unique' in this case is defined as a given (exception class, location) tuple. Unique exceptions are logged to the datastore with an example stacktrace and an approximate count of occurrences, grouped by day and application version.

A cron handler, in google.appengine.ext.ereporter.report_generator, constructs and emails a report based on the previous day's exceptions.

另请参阅:Using the ereporter module for easy error reporting .

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