python - 谷歌应用引擎数据存储客户端

标签 python google-app-engine command-line client

是否有工具/客户端可以在内部查看并查询 google appengine 数据存储区?


Starting with release 1.1.9 of the App Engine SDK, however, there's a new way to interact with the datastore, in the form of the remote_api module. This module allows remote access to the App Engine datastore, using the same APIs you know and love from writing App Engine Apps.


Today, I will share with you a simple script – – which can do all the necessary staging in order for us to talk with our App Engine back-end at Google. provides a single function attach(host), which will configure the API to communicate with the specified host. This will allow us to easily write scripts that interact with the live serving application, or if we need to, a newly-deployed version.

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