Python 战斗序列

标签 python python-3.x wing-ide



import random 

def choosePlayerClass():

    class Warrior:
        health = 100
        attack = 10
        defense = 10

    class Archer:
        health = 75
        attack = 15
        defense = 7

    class Mage:
        health = 50
        attack = 20
        defense = 5

    playerChoice = input("What class do you want to be? (Warrior, Archer, Mage)? ")
    if playerChoice == "Warrior":
        Player = Warrior()
    elif playerChoice == "Archer":
        Player = Archer()
    elif playerChoice == "Mage":
        Player = Mage()

    return Player

def chooseMonsterClass():

    class Goblin:
        health = 25
        attack = 10
        defense = 5
        description = "Goblin"

    class Troll:
        health = 50
        attack = 13
        defense = 7
        description = "Troll"

    class Orc:
        health = 75
        attack = 15
        defense = 10
        description = "Orc"  

    monsterChoice = input("What kind of monster do you want to fight? (Goblin, Troll, Orc)? ")

    if monsterChoice == "Goblin":
        Monster = Goblin()
    elif monsterChoice == "Troll":
        Monster = Troll()
    elif monsterChoice == "Orc":
        Monster = Orc

    return Monster

def fightSequence():
    Player = choosePlayerClass()
    Monster = chooseMonsterClass()
    encounter = 1
    turn = 'player'
    while encounter == 1:
        if turn == 'player':
            action = input("What would you like to do (Attack)? ")
            if action == 'Attack':
                encounter = humanAttack(Player)
                turn = 'monster'
        elif turn == 'monster':
            encounter = monsterAttack(Monster)
            turn = 'player'



追溯(最近的调用最后): 文件“C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE 101 4.1\src\debug\”,第 109 行,在 文件“C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE 101 4.1\src\debug\”,第 102 行,在 fightSequence 中 humanAttack 中的文件“C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE 101 4.1\src\debug\”,第 63 行 builtins.NameError: 全局名称 'Monster' 未定义



在这里初始化 Monster 变量:

if monsterChoice == "Goblin":
    Monster = Goblin()
elif monsterChoice == "Troll":
    Monster = Troll()
elif monsterChoice == "Orc":
    Monster = Orc()

但是如果这些都不是真的并且没有输入任何 if 语句怎么办?您应该在 if 语句之前为变量设置默认值,以便处理用户输入一些无意义的情况:

Monster = DefaultRace
if monsterChoice == "Goblin":
    Monster = Goblin()
elif monsterChoice == "Troll":
    Monster = Troll()
elif monsterChoice == "Orc":
    Monster = Orc()


while True:
    monsterChoice = input("What kind of monster do you want to fight? (Goblin, Troll, Orc)? ")
    if monsterChoice in ["Goblin","Troll","Orc"]:
        print "Unrecognized race requested, please select one of Goblin, Troll, Orc."

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