python - 堆叠直方图不会堆叠

标签 python graph matplotlib plot scikit-learn


variable_values = #numpy vector, one dimension, 5053 values between 1 and 0.
label_values = #numpy vector, one dimension, 5053 values, discrete value of either 1 OR 0.
x = variable_values[variable_values != '?'].astype(float)
y = label_values[variable_values != '?'].astype(float)

print np.max(x) #prints 0.90101
print np.max(y) #prints 1.0

N = 5053
ind = np.arange(N)    # the x locations for the groups
width = 0.45       # the width of the bars: can also be len(x) sequence
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(x, 5, stacked=True, normed = True)

#Stack the data
plt.hist(x, bins, stacked=True, normed = True)
plt.hist(y, bins, stacked=True, normed = True)


enter image description here

根据 label 的值是 1 还是 0,每个条上的颜色分开。



这有两点不正确 - 首先它没有正确堆叠。其次,Y 轴上的值上升到 1.6,但我相信 Y 轴应该包含属于每个子组的数据 block 的数量(因此,如果所有数据 block 的值都为 0-0.25,则唯一显示数据的栏将是第一个)。


variable_values = #numpy vector, one dimension, 5053 values between 1 and 0.

label_values = #numpy vector, one dimension, 5053 values, discrete value of either 1 OR 0.

您正在尝试对 x 和 y 使用相同的 bin。 x 可能从 0-1 不包括边缘。所以 y 不在您正在绘制的箱子范围内。

它是 1.6,因为您选择了标准化绘图。将该参数设置为 false 以获取实际计数。


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.random.random(5053)
y = np.random.random_integers(0,1, 5053)

# x = variable_values[variable_values != '?'].astype(float)
# y = label_values[variable_values != '?'].astype(float)

print np.max(x) #prints 0.90101
print np.max(y) #prints 1.0

N = 5053
ind = np.arange(N)    # the x locations for the groups
width = 0.45       # the width of the bars: can also be len(x) sequence
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(x, 5, stacked=True, normed = True)

bins[0] = 0
bins[-1] = 1

#Stack the data
plt.hist(y, bins, stacked=True, normed = False)
plt.hist(x, bins, stacked=True, normed = False)

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