python - 在 Python 中更改 XML 值

标签 python xml

如果我有如下所示的 XML 文件,我如何才能将版本从 50 更改为 51?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <updateCheck seconds="2" />
    <unturnedVersion version="50" />
    <unturnedFolder recoveryBundlesAfterUpdates="false" />
    <rocket useRocket="true" apikey=""/>
    <steam username="" password="" />
    <steamUpdates validate="true" />
    <servers rconEnabled="false">
        <server name="server1" rconPort="27013" rconPassword="pass" />
        <server name="server2" rconPort="27014" rconPassword="pass" />
    <notifyBefore seconds="60" />

我已经尝试了多种方法来做到这一点,有些方法什么也没做,或者它只是创建了一个新版本的 unturnedVersion,代码底部有 51。我只想将 50 更改为 51 或我设置的任何其他值。



使用xml.etree.ElementTree .通过例如 find() 定位元素,通过 .attrib dictionary 更新 version 属性元素的:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

data = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <updateCheck seconds="2" />
    <unturnedVersion version="50" />
    <unturnedFolder recoveryBundlesAfterUpdates="false" />
    <rocket useRocket="true" apikey=""/>
    <steam username="" password="" />
    <steamUpdates validate="true" />
    <servers rconEnabled="false">
        <server name="server1" rconPort="27013" rconPassword="pass" />
        <server name="server2" rconPort="27014" rconPassword="pass" />
    <notifyBefore seconds="60" />

root = ET.fromstring(data)
unturned_version = root.find("unturnedVersion")
unturned_version.attrib["version"] = "51"



    <updateCheck seconds="2" />
    <unturnedVersion version="51" />
    <unturnedFolder recoveryBundlesAfterUpdates="false" />
    <rocket apikey="" useRocket="true" />
    <steam password="" username="" />
    <steamUpdates validate="true" />
    <servers rconEnabled="false">
        <server name="server1" rconPassword="pass" rconPort="27013" />
        <server name="server2" rconPassword="pass" rconPort="27014" />
    <notifyBefore seconds="60" />


unturned_version.attrib["version"] = str(int(unturned_version.attrib["version"]) + 1)

而且,如果您从文件中读取 XML,请使用 ET.parse():

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

tree = ET.parse("input.xml")
root = tree.getroot()
unturned_version = root.find("unturnedVersion")
unturned_version.attrib["version"] = str(int(unturned_version.attrib["version"]) + 1)


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