python - Pandas 在基于其他列的列中删除值

标签 python pandas delete-row

有没有办法在 df 中删除单个条目?

ID  Count1  Value1  Count2  Value2
111 5   10  5   25
112 4   15  6   25
113 6   7   4   10
114 3   8   2   1
115 7   1   8   10

如果 Count1 < 5,我想删除任何 Value1,如果 Count2 < 5,我想删除任何 Value2。结果将是这样的:

ID  Count1  Value1  Count2  Value2
111 5   10  5   25
112 NA  NA  6   25
113 6   7   4   NA
114 NA  NA  NA  NA
115 7   1   8   10




df.loc[df['Count1'] < 5, ['Count1','Value1']] = np.nan
df.loc[df['Count2'] < 5, ['Count2','Value2']] = np.nan

    ID  Count1  Value1  Count2  Value2
0   111 5.0     10.0    5.0     25.0
1   112 NaN     NaN     6.0     25.0
2   113 6.0     7.0     NaN     NaN
3   114 NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN
4   115 7.0     1.0     8.0     10.0

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