python - 如何获取 Google Books API 中的类别列表?

标签 python api google-api google-api-python-client google-books


我正在使用 Google Books API,我知道我可以按特定类别搜索图书。

我的问题是,如何从 API 获取所有可用类别? 我查看了 API 文档,但找不到对此的任何提及。


Google 图书 API 没有用于返回与图书本身无关的类别的端点。

Google Books api 仅用于列出图书。你可以

  • 搜索并浏览与给定查询匹配的图书列表。
  • 查看有关图书的信息,包括元数据、可用性和价格,以及指向预览页面的链接。
  • 管理您自己的书架。


您可能有兴趣知道自 2012 年以来这一直在他们的待办事项列表中 category list

We have numerous requests for this and we're investigating how we can properly provide the data. One issue is Google does not own all the category information. "New York Times Bestsellers" is one obvious example. We need to first identify what we can publish through the API.


i worked around it by implementing my own category list mechanism so i can pull all categories that exists in my app's database. (unfortunately, the newly announced ScriptDb deprecation means my whole system will go to waste in a couple of monthes anyway... but that's another story)

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