python - 有条件地拆分 Pandas 数据框以绘制不同的颜色

标签 python pandas numpy matplotlib

我有带有一对值的 pandas 数据框,并且喜欢有条件地对其进行颜色编码,例如

df.plot(kind='scatter', ax=ax1, x='a', y='b', c=np.where(['a']>0.5, 'r', 'g']))

却一事无成。对 ab 应用相同的条件是最终目标。任何线索都是感激的。



In [50]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(100, 2), columns=['x','y'])

In [51]: df.head()
          x         y
0  0.376715  0.209387
1  0.633065  0.212350
2  0.538783  0.883493
3  0.753707  0.983746
4  0.135703  0.840134    

In [52]: df.plot.scatter(x='x', y='y', s=20, c=np.where(df['y']>0.5, 'r', 'g'))
Out[52]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1078f4e0>

enter image description here


is it possible to nest two conditions in there such as c=np.where(df_AA['a']>0.5 and df_AA['b']<0.5, 'r', 'b')

In [70]: df.plot.scatter(x='x', y='y', s=20, c=np.where((df['x']>0.5) & (df['y']<0.5), 'r', 'g'), grid=True)
Out[70]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0xc166dd8>

enter image description here

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