python - 系列'对象没有属性'在 Pandas 中解码

标签 python pandas

我正在尝试在 python 中解码 utf-8 编码的文本。数据被加载到 pandas 数据帧,然后我解码。这会产生一个错误:AttributeError: 'Series' object has no attribute 'decode'。如何正确解码 pandas 列中的文本?

>> preparedData.head(5).to_dict( )
{'id': {0: 1042616899408945154, 1: 1042592536769044487, 2: 1042587702040903680, 3: 1042587263643930626, 4: 1042586780292276230}, 'date': {0: '2018-09-20', 1: '2018-09-20', 2: '2018-09-20', 3: '2018-09-20', 4: '2018-09-20'}, 'time': {0: '03:30:14', 1: '01:53:25', 2: '01:34:13', 3: '01:32:28', 4: '01:30:33'}, 'text': {0: "b'\\xf0\\x9f\\x8c\\xb9 are red, violets are blue, if you want to buy us \\xf0\\x9f\\x92\\x90, here is a CLUE \\xf0\\x9f\\x98\\x89 Our #flowerpowered eye & cheek palette is AL\\xe2\\x80\\xa6 '", 1: "b'\\xf0\\x9f\\x8e\\xb5Is it too late now to say sorry\\xf0\\x9f\\x8e\\xb5 #tartetalk #memes'", 2: "b'@JillianJChase Oh no! Please email your order # to & we can help \\xf0\\x9f\\x92\\x95'", 3: 'b"@Danikins__ It\'s best applied with our buffer brush! \\xf0\\x9f\\x92\\x9c\\xc2\\xa0"', 4: "b'@AdelaineMorin DEAD \\xf0\\x9f\\xa4\\xa3\\xf0\\x9f\\xa4\\xa3\\xf0\\x9f\\xa4\\xa3'"}, 'hasMedia': {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0}, 'hasHashtag': {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0}, 'followers_count': {0: 801745, 1: 801745, 2: 801745, 3: 801745, 4: 801745}, 'retweet_count': {0: 17, 1: 94, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0}, 'favourite_count': {0: 181, 1: 408, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 14}}


ExampleText = b'\xf0\x9f\x8c\xb9是红色的,紫罗兰是蓝色的,如果你想买我们的\xf0\x9f\x92\x90,这里有一个线索\xf0\x9f\x98\x89我们的#flowerpowered eye & cheek palette 是 AL\xe2\x80\xa6'


ExampleText = ExampleText.decode('utf8')

但是,当我尝试从 pandas 数据框列中解码文本时,出现错误。我试过这样,

preparedData['text'] = preparedData['text'].decode('utf8')


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:/Level 4 Research Project/makeViral/", line 23, in <module>
File "F:/Level 4 Research Project/makeViral/", line 19, in main
preprocessedData = preprocessData(preparedData)
File "F:\Level 4 Research Project\makeViral\", line 34, in preprocessData
 preparedData['text'] = preparedData['text'].decode('utf8')
File "C:\Users\Kabilesh\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\", line 4376, in __getattr__
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
AttributeError: 'Series' object has no attribute 'decode'


preparedData['text'] = preparedData['text'].str.decode('utf8', errors='strict')


'text': {0: nan, 1: nan, 2: nan, 3: nan, 4: nan}


我可能是错的,但我猜你拥有的是字节串而不是字节串 b"XXXXX" 而不是 "b'XXXXX'"正如您在答案中发布的那样,在这种情况下,您可以执行以下操作(您需要使用字符串访问器):

preparedData['text'] = preparedData['text'].str.decode('utf8')

编辑: 看起来我的假设是错误的,在这种情况下你可以做一个预处理步骤:

import ast
preparedData['text'] = preparedData['text'].apply(ast.literal_eval).str.decode("utf-8")

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