python - 希望游戏在 6 次尝试后终止

标签 python python-3.x

我想在 6 次试验后退出游戏。然而,即使经过 6 次试验,游戏仍在继续。

我申请了一段时间 count_trials <=6。应该是count_trails超过6之后就去else部分吧?但是,它超过 6 并显示如下内容: “伟大的 Prashant!你猜对了 9 次”

from random import randint
#Asking the user a number
def ask_a_number():
    playernumber = int(input('Guess a number: '))
    return playernumber

#Comparing the numbers and giving hints to the player about the right number
def compare_2_nos(num1, num2):
    if (num1 < num2):
        if abs(num1 - num2) > 3:
            print('Your number is too low')
            print ('Your number is slightly low')
    if (num1 > num2):
        if abs(num1 - num2) > 3:
            print('Your number is too high')
            print ('Your number is slightly high')

#Running the Guess the number game
name = input('Enter your name: ')
print ('Hi {}! Guess a number between 1 and 100').format(name)
num1 = ask_a_number()
count_trials = 1
num2 = randint(1,100)
while count_trials <= 6:
    while num1 != num2:
        compare_2_nos(num1, num2)
        num1 = ask_a_number() 
        count_trials += 1
        print ("Great {}! you guessed the number right in {} guesses".format(name, count_trials))
    print ("You have have exceeded the number of trials allowed for this game")

我希望游戏在 7 次或更多次尝试后打印“您已经超出了该游戏允许的尝试次数”


您遇到的第一个错误在第 22 行,您应该将 .format() 紧跟在字符串之后。

并且您正在创建一个“无限循环”,因为您没有在每个循环中递增 count_trials。 像这样改变 while 循环

while count_trials <= 6:
    if num1 != num2:
        compare_2_nos(num1, num2)
        num1 = ask_a_number()
        print ("Great {}! you guessed the number right in {} guesses".format(name, count_trials))
    count_trials += 1 

或使用 for 循环,将 range(1, 7) 作为可迭代对象。

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