Python 模拟 : How to test the number of calls on a recursive function?

标签 python unit-testing recursion mocking

我在名为 test_module 的模块中有一个递归函数

import requests    

def send_msg(msg, retries=0):
        # send the message here, e.g. a http request
        response = requests.get("")
        # if url does not exist raise an exception
    except Exception as e:
        if retries == 0:
            raise e
            return send_msg(msg, retries=retries-1)

我的问题是如何编写一个单元测试来检查 send_msg 函数在我设置 retries = n 时被调用了 n 次。我正在玩模拟模块(我使用的是 python 2.7),我想我想要这样的东西,

import mock, unittest

class MyUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_send_msg_tries_n_times(self, mock_send_msg):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            mock_send_msg("hello", retries=3)
        self.assertEqual(mock_send_msg.call_count, 4) # initial call + 3 retries




模拟 request.get() 调用,让它总是产生异常。然后计算你的模拟被调用的频率。

def test_send_msg_tries_n_times(self, req_get_mock):
    req_get_mock.side_effect = Exception
    with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        send_msg("hello", retries=3)
    self.assertEqual(req_get_mock.call_count, 4)  # 1 initial call + 3 retries


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