Python 如何使用枚举和列表跳过第一次(即零次)迭代?

标签 python list enumerate


我想检查第一行是否具有 Test 的值,在这种情况下,我需要对表中的每一行执行一些操作。

否则,如果第一行没有 Test 的值,我需要跳过该行并对第 1 行及以后的行执行一些操作。

因为我既需要索引又需要行,所以我不得不使用enumerate,但似乎我使用它的方式很乱。在这里,我调用了两次 enumerate 并两次检查索引是否为 0。有更简洁的方法吗?

for i, r in enumerate(null_clipData.rows()):
    if r[0].val == 'Test':
        # Do something if the first row is Test
        for index, row in enumerate(null_clipData.rows()):
            if index == 0:
                continue # But do anything the first time (stay in this loop though)
            print(index, row)
        break # All through with test row

    if i == 0:
        continue # Don't do anything with the first row if the value was not Test

    print(i, r) # Do something with i and r


按照 Kevin 的建议,您可以单独处理第一项,然后继续循环:

rows = iter(null_clipData.rows())

firstRow = next(rows)
specialHandling = firstRow.val == 'Test'

for i, r in enumerate(rows, start=1):
    if specialHandling:
        # do something special with r
        # do the normal stuff with r


specialHandling = False # default case
for i, r in enumerate(null_clipData.rows()):
    if i == 0: # first item
        specialHandling = r == 'Test'

    if specialHandling:
        # do something special with r
        # do the normal stuff with r

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