Python 单词和短语的共现矩阵

标签 python python-2.7 numpy pandas matrix

我正在处理两个文本文件。一个包含 58 个单词的列表 (L1),另一个包含 1173 个短语 (L2)。我要查 for i in range(len(L1))for j in range(len(L1)) L2中的同现.


L1 = ['b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 't', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']
L2 = ['the onion', 'be your self', 'great zoo', 'x men', 'corn day']

for i in range(len(L1)):
    for j in range(len(L1)):
        for s in range(len(L2)):
            if L1[i] in L2[s] and L1[j] in L2[s]:
                output = L1[i], L1[j], L2[s]
                print output

输出(例如 'be your self' 来自 L2 ):

('b', 'b', 'be your self')
('b', 'e', 'be your self')
('b', 'y', 'be your self')
('e', 'b', 'be your self')
('e', 'e', 'be your self')
('e', 'y', 'be your self')
('y', 'b', 'be your self')
('y', 'e', 'be your self')
('y', 'y', 'be your self')

输出显示了我想要的内容,但为了可视化数据,我还需要返回时间 L1[j]同意L1[i] .


  b e y
b 1 1 1
e 1 2 1
y 1 1 1

我应该使用 pandasnumpy为了返回这个结果?

我发现了这个关于共现矩阵的问题,但我没有找到具体的答案。 efficient algorithm for finding co occurrence matrix of phrases




from itertools import product
from operator import mul

L1 = ['b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 't', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']
L2 = ['the onion', 'be your self', 'great zoo', 'x men', 'corn day']

phrase_map = {}

for phrase in L2:
    word_count = {word: phrase.count(word) for word in L1 if word in phrase}

    occurrence_map = {}
    for perm in product(word_count, repeat=2):
        occurrence_map[perm] = reduce(mul, (word_count[key] for key in perm), 1)

    phrase_map[phrase] = occurrence_map

根据我的计时,Python 3 的速度快了 2-4 倍(Python 2 的改进可能较小)。另外,在Python 3中,您需要从functools导入reduce

编辑:请注意,虽然此实现相对简单,但效率明显较低。例如,我们知道相应的输出将是对称的,并且该解决方案没有利用这一点。使用 combinations_with_replacements 而不是 product 将仅生成输出矩阵上三角部分中的条目。因此,我们可以通过执行以下操作来改进上述解决方案:

from itertools import combinations_with_replacement

L1 = ['b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 't', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']
L2 = ['the onion', 'be your self', 'great zoo', 'x men', 'corn day']

phrase_map = {}

for phrase in L2:
    word_count = {word: phrase.count(word) for word in L1 if word in phrase}

    occurrence_map = {}
    for x, y in combinations_with_replacement(word_count, 2):
        occurrence_map[(x,y)] = occurrence_map[(y,x)] = \
            word_count[x] * word_count[y]

    phrase_map[phrase] = occurrence_map

return phrase_map


请注意,如果该行可以减少大约 15-20% 的运行时间

 occurrence_map[(x,y)] = occurrence_map[(y,x)] = ...


occurrence_map[(x,y)] = ...


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