html - 使用 grunt js,如何将 <title> 动态添加到静态 html 文件?

标签 html json build-process concatenation gruntjs

更具体地说,我想通过引用外部 JSON 文件来添加标题,我们称它为 titles.json。

我使用 grunt 的其中一件事是构建用于设计和调试的静态 HTML 文件。这在开发过程中非常有用,不仅对标题而且对其他潜在数据也是如此,例如设置事件导航链接。

我目前正在使用此处接受的答案所描述的过程连接 HTML 文件: Using grunt concat, how would I automate the concatenation of the same file to many other files?

编辑:我现在使用 assemble为此,创建它是为了使使用模板和外部数据变得非常容易。


这是我的看法。使用 grunt 的标准模板机制,页面元数据在实际页面文件之外的对象中定义,正如您所建议的(我不能说我喜欢这样)。

gruntfile(包括来自 Using grunt concat, how would I automate the concatenation of the same file to many other files?wrap 任务):

/*global module:false*/    
module.exports = function(grunt) {

  // Project configuration.
    meta: {
      version: '0.1.0',
      banner: '/*! PROJECT_NAME - v<%= meta.version %> - ' +
        '<%="yyyy-mm-dd") %>\n' +
        '* http://PROJECT_WEBSITE/\n' +
        '* Copyright (c) <%="yyyy") %> ' +
        'YOUR_NAME; Licensed MIT */'

    // Paths
    project: {
      partials: 'assets/partials',  // don't put trailing slash
      pages:    'assets/pages',     // don't put trailing slash
      less:     'assets/less',
      css:      'assets/css',
      img:      'assets/img',
      js:       'assets/js'

    // Used for page title and nav generation.
    // It's an array to ensure correct order for nav
    pages: [{   
        file: 'index.html',
        title: 'My homepage'
        /* This format can be extended to something like:
         * {
         *      title: 'My homepage',
         *      header: 'Welcome to my site',
         *      navtitle: 'Home'
         * }
         * Although I think it's best to keep page metadata as close to content as possible,
         * i.e. right inside pages files (think YAML headers in Jekyll pages)  
    }, {
        file: 'about.html',
        title: 'About me'
    }, {
        file: 'contact.html',
        title: 'Contact'

    // wraps files with header and footer
    wrap: {
        html: {
            header: '<%= project.partials %>/head.tmpl',
            footer: '<%= project.partials %>/footer.tmpl',
            src: [
                '<%= project.pages %>/index.html',
                '<%= project.pages %>/about.html',
                '<%= project.pages %>/contact.html'
            dest: '.'   // destination *directory*, probably better than specifying same file names twice

    // processes templates in page files
    buildPages: {
        pages: '<config:pages>',    // page files metadata
        dir: '.'                    // page files location dir


  // Default task.
  grunt.registerTask('default', 'wrap buildPages');

  grunt.registerMultiTask('wrap', 'Wraps source files with specified header and footer', function() {
        var data =,
            path = require('path'),
            dest = grunt.template.process(data.dest),
            files = grunt.file.expandFiles(this.file.src),
            header =,
            footer =,
            sep = grunt.utils.linefeed; 

        files.forEach(function(f) {
            var p = dest + '/' + path.basename(f),
                contents =;

            grunt.file.write(p, header + sep + contents + sep + footer);
            grunt.log.writeln('File "' + p + '" created.');

  grunt.registerTask('buildPages', 'Processes templates in page files', function() {
  // NOTE: current implementation replaces files
    var data = grunt.config('buildPages'),
        pages = data.pages,
        dir = data.dir,

    pages.forEach(function(page) {
        curPath = dir + '/' + page.file;
        contents =;

        // feed the entire pages array and current entry to the template
        grunt.file.write(curPath, grunt.template.process(contents, {
            pages: pages,
            curPage: page
        grunt.log.writeln('Page at "' + curPath + '" built.');


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title><%= curPage.title %></title>
        <!-- NAV -->
        <ul class="nav">
                pages.forEach(function(p) {
                        '<li class="' + ((curPage === p) ? 'active' : '') + '">' +
                            ((curPage === p) ? p.title : ('<a href="' + p.file + '">' + p.title + '</a>')) + 
        <!-- /NAV -->

        <!-- MAIN CONTENT -->
        <div class="main">


        <!-- /MAIN CONTENT -->

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