python - 为什么在 Python (\n) 中更改字符串中的行不起作用?

标签 python string line


def insertNewlines(text, lineLength):
    Given text and a desired line length, wrap the text as a typewriter would.
    Insert a newline character ("\n") after each word that reaches or exceeds
    the desired line length.

    text: a string containing the text to wrap.
    line_length: the number of characters to include on a line before wrapping
        the next word.
    returns: a string, with newline characters inserted appropriately. 

    def spacja(text, lineLength):
        return text.find(' ', lineLength-1)

    if len(text) <= lineLength:
        return text
        x = spacja(text, lineLength)
        return text[:x] + '\n' + insertNewlines(text[x+1:], lineLength)


 insertNewlines('Random text to wrap again.', 5)

insertNewlines('mubqhci sixfkt pmcwskvn ikvoawtl rxmtc ehsruk efha cigs itaujqe pfylcoqw iremcty cmlvqjz uzswa ezuw vcsodjk fsjbyz nkhzaoct', 38)



不要重新发明轮子,使用 textwrap library相反:

import textwrap

wrapped = textwrap.fill(text, 38)

您自己的代码无法处理未找到空间且 spacja 返回 -1 的情况。

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