python - py.test -- 模拟常量并在测试函数中引发异常

标签 python testing mocking pytest

我正在使用 py.test 和 mock。我一直无法模拟一个常量。我的测试修改了分配给常量的字典值。这应该在我的测试中引发异常,但到目前为止它没有。我不确定问题出在哪里,如果能帮助查明问题,我将不胜感激。谢谢。

MY_DICT = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}                                        

class OneMissingException(Exception):                                             

class Test1(object):                                                              
    def __init__(self):                                                           
        self.mydict = MY_DICT                                                     

    def mydict(self):                                                             
        return self._mydict                                                       

    def mydict(self, mydict):                                                     
        if 'one' not in mydict:                                                   
            raise OneMissingException                                             
        self._mydict = mydict

import pytest                                                                                                                                                  
from unittest import mock                                                      
from the_module import Test1, OneMissingException                              

def my_dict():                                                                 
    return {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}                                    

def test_verify_test1_exception(my_dict):                                      
    my_dict.pop('one') # comment this out and test still passes                                                       
    with mock.patch("the_module.MY_DICT") as mydict:                           
        mydict.return_value.return_value = my_dict                             
        with pytest.raises(OneMissingException):                               


在你的情况下你不需要模拟(你试图以错误的方式使用它,因为没有人调用 MY_DICT 而你尝试了 return_value)

只使用 pytest 的 monkeypatch fixture:

import pytest                                                                                                                                                  
from unittest import mock                                                      
from the_module import Test1, OneMissingException                              

def patched_my_dict(monkeypatch):                                                                 
    patched = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}
    monkeypatch.setattr("the_module.MY_DICT", patched)
    return patched                                    

def test_verify_test1_exception(patched_my_dict):                                      
    patched_my_dict.pop('one') # comment this out and test will not pass                                                       
    with pytest.raises(OneMissingException):                               

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