python - 'class' 任务需要指导(初学者)

标签 python python-2.7 class


class beam(object):
"""This class is models the deflection of a simply supported beam under
multiple point loads, following Euler-Bernoulli theory and the principle of

    def __init__(self, E, I, L):
        """The class costructor.
        self.E = 8.0E9  # Young's modulus of the beam in N/m^2
        self.I = 1.333E-4  # Second moment of area of the beam in m^4
        self.L = 5.0  # Length of the beam in m
        self.Loads = [(0.0, 0.0)]  # the list of loads applied to the beam = "beam"

    def setLoads(self, Loads):
        '''This function allows multiple point loads to be applied to the beam
        using a list of tuples of the form (load, position)
        self.Loads = Loads

给出了“def __ init __”和“def setLoads”,所以上面的不需要改变。我输入了 self.E、I 和 L 的值,因为我认为我在那里需要它们,但这些数字可以替换回它们之前的字母。

    def beamDeflection(self, Load, x):
        """Just a simple calculation, really.
        E = 8.09 * (10 ** 9)
        I = 1.333 * (10 ** -4)
        L = 5
        a = 2.5
        b = a + (x - a)
        (P1, a) = Load
        if 0 <= x <= 2.5:
            beamDeflection = ((P1*b*x)/(6*L*E*I))*((L**2)-(x**2)-(b**2))
            if 2.5 < x <= 5:
                beamDeflection = ((P1*b)/(6*L*E*I)) / (((L/b)*((x-a)**3)) -
                                                       (x**3) + (x*((L**2) -
        return beamDeflection


    def getTotalDeflection(self, x):
        """The function getTotalDeflection(self, x) should go through each load tuple in the
        list.Loads and calculate the beam deflection at point x (Hint: the function you just 
        created could be handy here!). getTotalDeflection should return the total deflection at x, 
        which is the sum over each of the individual deflections.

我的理解是我需要一个“for”循环来遍历每个加载元组,同时涉及 self.load。我不确定如何将这两件事结合在一起。如果有人可以帮助我,我将非常非常感激。



def getTotalDeflection(self, x):
    return sum(self.beamDeflection(loadval, x) for loadval in self.Loads)

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