python - 为什么多个 `for`列表理解的顺序是这样的?

标签 python python-3.x syntax

我知道在嵌套列表理解中有多个 for 的正确方法如下(Python 3):

lista = [[[1,2],[3],[4,5,6]],[[7],[8,9]]]

flatlista = [i for k in lista for j in k for i in j]
# results with [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


flatlista = [i for i in j for j in k for k in lista]




因为那是PEP 202 -- List Comprehensions将其设置为。然而,PEP 并没有充分说明原因,因为它是事后才创建的;在创建 PEP 甚至 PEP 流程之前几年就已经在开发列表上进行了讨论。

首先,该顺序反射(reflect)了您在 Python 代码中嵌套 for 循环和 if 语句的顺序:

for k in lista:
    for j in k:
        for i in j:

如果您已经习惯了 排序,这就很自然了。

查看 very first discussions about the feature似乎有其他语言的排序先例。事实上,Haskell has the same ordering : 每个后续生成器都会改进前一个生成器的结果

当然,在某些时候蒂姆·彼得斯(提案的发起人)表示今天使用的顺序对来说是显而易见的,参见this post :

I've posted my proposed translation into today's Python a few times already, with the intent that it be taken literally, not suggestively. This nests "for" loops with the leftmost outermost, so nails everything about the ordering semantics at all levels. Why that's become a debating point at all levels is beyond me .

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