python - 删除 pandas DataFrame 打印中的 `dtype: object`

标签 python pandas dataframe


def boba_recs(lat, lng):
    f1 = pd.read_csv("./boba_final.csv") 
    user_loc = Point(lng, lat) # converts user lat/long to point object
    # makes dataframe of distances between each boba place and the user loc
    f1['Distance'] = [user_loc.distance(Point(xy)) for xy in zip(f1.Longitude, f1.Lat)]
    # grabs the three smallest distances
    boba = f1.nsmallest(3, 'Distance').set_index('Name') # sets index to name
    return(": " + boba['Address'])


Coco Bubble Tea            : 129 E 45th St New York, NY 10017
Gong Cha                   : 75 W 38th St, New York, NY 10018
Smoocha Tea & Juice Bar      : 315 5th Ave New York, NY 10016
Name: Address, dtype: object

几乎完美,只是我想去掉“Name: Address, dtype: object”行。我已经尝试了一些东西,它不会在不弄乱其他所有内容的格式的情况下消失。


'Address'pd.Series 的名称,'Name' 是索引的名称



Coco Bubble Tea            : 129 E 45th St New York, NY 10017
Gong Cha                   : 75 W 38th St, New York, NY 10018
Smoocha Tea & Juice Bar      : 315 5th Ave New York, NY 10016
dtype: object


def boba_recs(lat, lng):
    f1 = pd.read_csv("./boba_final.csv") 
    user_loc = Point(lng, lat) # converts user lat/long to point object
    # makes dataframe of distances between each boba place and the user loc
    f1['Distance'] = [user_loc.distance(Point(xy)) for xy in zip(f1.Longitude, f1.Lat)]
    # grabs the three smallest distances
    boba = f1.nsmallest(3, 'Distance').set_index('Name') # sets index to name
    return(": " + boba['Address']).rename_axis(None).rename(None)


def boba_recs(lat, lng):
    f1 = pd.read_csv("./boba_final.csv") 
    user_loc = Point(lng, lat) # converts user lat/long to point object
    # makes dataframe of distances between each boba place and the user loc
    f1['Distance'] = [user_loc.distance(Point(xy)) for xy in zip(f1.Longitude, f1.Lat)]
    # grabs the three smallest distances
    boba = f1.nsmallest(3, 'Distance').set_index('Name') # sets index to name
    temp = (": " + boba['Address']).rename_axis(None).__repr__()
    return temp.rsplit('\n', 1)[0]

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