Python:基于 Pandas 中的 2 列分箱

标签 python pandas pandas-groupby binning

寻找一种基于 Pandas 中的 2 列进行分箱的快速而优雅的方法。


                              filename  height   width
0        shopfronts_23092017_3_285.jpg   750.0   560.0
1                   shopfronts_200.jpg   4395.0  6020.0
2  shopfronts_25092017_eateries_98.jpg   414.0   621.0
3                   shopfronts_101.jpg   480.0   640.0
4                   shopfronts_138.jpg   3733.0  8498.0
5  shopfronts_25092017_eateries_95.jpg   187.0   250.0
6      shopfronts_25092017_neon_33.jpg   100.0   200.0
7                   shopfronts_322.jpg   682.0  1024.0
8                   shopfronts_171.jpg   800.0   600.0
9         shopfronts_23092017_3_35.jpg   120.0   210.0

我需要根据 2 列的高度和宽度(图像分辨率)对记录进行分类


                              filename  height   width    group
0        shopfronts_23092017_3_285.jpg   750.0   560.0       g3 
1                   shopfronts_200.jpg   4395.0  6020.0      g4  
2  shopfronts_25092017_eateries_98.jpg   414.0   621.0   others
3                   shopfronts_101.jpg   480.0   640.0   others
4                   shopfronts_138.jpg   3733.0  8498.0      g4
5  shopfronts_25092017_eateries_95.jpg   187.0   250.0       g1
6      shopfronts_25092017_neon_33.jpg   100.0   200.0       g1
7                   shopfronts_322.jpg   682.0  1024.0   others
8                   shopfronts_171.jpg   800.0   600.0       g3
9         shopfronts_23092017_3_35.jpg   120.0   210.0       g1


g1: <= 400x300]
g2: (400x300, 640x480]
g3: (640x480, 800x600]
g4: > 800x600
others: If they don't comply to the requirement (Ex: records 7,2,3 - either height or width will fall in the categories defined but not both)



您可以使用双重 pd.cut

bins = [0,400,640,800,np.inf]
df['group'] = pd.cut(df['height'].values, bins,labels=["g1","g2","g3",'g4'])

nbin = [0,300,480,600,np.inf]
t = pd.cut(df['width'].values, nbin,labels=["g1","g2","g3",'g4'])

df['group'] =np.where(df['group'] == t,df['group'],'others')
                              filename  height   width  group
0        shopfronts_23092017_3_285.jpg   750.0   560.0      g3
1                   shopfronts_200.jpg  4395.0  6020.0      g4
2  shopfronts_25092017_eateries_98.jpg   414.0   621.0  others
3                   shopfronts_101.jpg   480.0   640.0  others
4                   shopfronts_138.jpg  3733.0  8498.0      g4
5  shopfronts_25092017_eateries_95.jpg   187.0   250.0      g1
6      shopfronts_25092017_neon_33.jpg   100.0   200.0      g1
7                   shopfronts_322.jpg   682.0  1024.0  others
8                   shopfronts_171.jpg   800.0   600.0      g3
9         shopfronts_23092017_3_35.jpg   120.0   210.0      g1

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