python - 重构这个分组密码键控函数

标签 python encryption

我找到了一个简单的纯 python blowfish 实现,可以满足我对特定项目的需求。


def initialize(key):
    Use key to setup subkeys -- requires 521 encryptions
    to set p and s boxes.  key is a hex number corresponding
    to a string of 32 up to 448 1s and 0s -- keylen says
    how long

    # Note that parray and sboxes are globals that have been pre-initialized.

    hexkey = hex(key)[2:]
    if hexkey[-1]=='L':
       hexkey = hexkey[:-1]

    if len(hexkey)%2==1:
        hexkey = '0'+hexkey

    lenkey = len(hexkey)/8    
    if lenkey==0:

    # XOR key segments with P-boxes

    for i in range(18):
        if lenkey>0:
            pos = (i%lenkey)*8  # offset into key gives subkey

        subkey = eval('0x'+hexkey[pos:pos+8]+'L')
        parray[i] ^= subkey  # immediate XOR -- Python 2.0+ syntax

    # encrypt 0-data, then keep re-encrypting and reassigning P-boxes

    output = 0L
    for i in range(0,17,2):
        output = bfencrypt(output)
        parray[i], parray[i+1] = output>>32, output & 0xFFFFFFFFL

    # re-encrypt and reassign through all the S-boxes        

    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(0,255,2):
            output = bfencrypt(output)
            sbox[i][j],sbox[i][j+1] = output>>32, output & 0xFFFFFFFFL

    # print "Initialization complete"

subkey = eval('0x'+hexkey[pos:pos+8]+'L')?请告诉我有更好的方法来做到这一点。



是的。使用基数为 16 的 int()。

>>> int('ffffffff',16)


subkey = int(hexkey[pos:pos+8], 16)


[编辑] 事实上,给定一个整数,通常根本没有理由需要转换为字符串表示形式 - 您可以通过与0xffffffff 并在循环中将 key 右移 32 位。例如:

subkeys = []
while key:
    subkeys.append(key & 0xffffffff)
    key >>= 32

if not subkeys: subkeys = [0] # Handle 0 case
subkeys.reverse() # Use same order as before (BUT SEE BELOW)

但是,这个初始化过程似乎有点奇怪 - 它使用从左边开始的十六进制数字,没有零填充来舍入到 8 个十六进制数字的倍数(因此数字 0x123456789 将是分成0x123456780x9,而不是更习惯的0x000000010x23456789。它也重复这些数字,而不是而不是将其视为单个大数。您应该检查此代码是否实际执行了正确的算法。

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