
标签 python


l = [[a,b,c],[3,5,0],[3,1,0],...]  # I do not know how many sublists there are beforehand. 


e.g. a,3,3 then b,5,1 ...


for x,y,z... in zip(l[1],l[2],l[3]...) # "..." representing other sublists 
    do something with x,y,z... if condition...


最终,如果在同一索引处,所有数值都等于零,我想过滤现有的子列表。例如:c,0,0 将被删除(因为所有数字都是零)。但是,a,3,3 和 b,5,1 仍然存在。最后,我需要 3 个新的过滤子列表来包含:

lnew = [[a,b],[3,5],[3,1]] 


来自 docs :

zip() in conjunction with the * operator can be used to unzip a list

>>> lis = [['a','b','c'],[3,5,0],[3,1,0]] 
>>> for x,y,z in zip(*lis):
    print x,y,z
a 3 3
b 5 1
c 0 0

I want to filter the existing sublists if at the same index, all numerical values are equal to zero

>>> zipp = [x for x in zip(*lis) if any(y != 0 for y in x \
                                             if isinstance (y,(int,float)) ) ]
>>> zip(*zipp)
[('a', 'b'), (3, 5), (3, 1)]

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