python - 针对一组元音测试字符串 - Python

标签 python string set element


def runVowels():
      # explains what this program does
    print "This program will count how many vowels and consonants are"
    print "in a string."
      # get the string to be analyzed from user
    stringToCount = input("Please enter a string: ")
      # convert string to all lowercase letters
      # sets the index count to it's first number
    index = 0
      # a set of lowercase vowels each element will be tested against
    vowelSet = set(['a','e','i','o','u'])
      # sets the vowel count to 0
    vowels = 0
      # sets the consonant count to 0
    consonants = 0
      # sets the loop to run as many times as there are characters
      # in the string
    while index < len(stringToCount):
          # if an element in the string is in the vowels
        if stringToCount[index] in vowels:
              # then add 1 to the vowel count
            vowels += 1
            index += 1
        # otherwise, add 1 to the consonant count
        elif stringToCount[index] != vowels:
            consonants += 1
            index += 1
          # any other entry is invalid
            print "Your entry should only include letters."

      # prints results
    print "In your string, there are:"
    print " " + str(vowels) + " vowels"
    print " " + str(consonants) + " consonants"
      # runs the main menu again


line 28, in runVowels
    stringToCount = input("Please enter a string: ")
  File "<string>", line 1
    PupEman dABest
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

我尝试将 + 1 添加到“while index < len(stringToCount)”,但这也无济于事。我是 python 的新手,我真的不明白我的代码有什么问题。任何帮助将不胜感激。

我研究了这个错误,我发现的只是 EOF 代表文件结束。这对解决我的问题根本没有帮助。另外,我知道有时错误不一定是 python 所说的错误所在,所以我仔细检查了我的代码,在我看来没有任何问题。我是不是通过创建一个集合来测试字符串元素来做这种迂回的方式?有没有更简单的方法来测试字符串元素是否在集合中?



看起来您正在使用 Python 2。Use raw_input(...)而不是 input(...)The input() function将评估您输入的内容作为 Python 表达式,这就是您遇到 SyntaxError 的原因。

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