python - 在python中异步获取和存储图像

标签 python urllib python-requests


import urllib
for x in range(0,10):
        urllib.urlretrieve(" %s.png" % (x), "temp/file %s.png" % (x))

我也看到了 Grequests库,但如果可能的话,或者如何从文档中做到这一点,我想不通。



import threading

results = []
def getter(url, dest):
   results.append(urllib.urlretreave(url, dest))

threads = []
for x in range(0,10):
    t = threading.Thread(target=getter, args=(' %s.png' % x,
                                              'temp/file %s.png' % x))
# wait for all threads to finish
# You can continue doing whatever you want and
# join the threads when you finally need the results.
# They will fatch your urls in the background without
# blocking your main application.
map(lambda t: t.join(), threads)

您可以选择创建一个线程池,从队列中获取 urlsdests

如果您使用的是 Python 3,它已经在 futures 中为您实现了模块。

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