python - MasterMind 问题

标签 python

我已经制作了 Mastercode 游戏,但我无法让计算机告诉用户他们得到了正确和错误的数字。 下面列出了我的代码,以及我用来让计算机打印正确答案的尝试。如果有人能告诉我我做错了什么并指出正确的方向,那就太好了。

import random
def masterMind():  
    Password = "%05d" % random.randint(0, 99999) #the computer chooses 5 random numbers
    for tries in range(10):
        userGuess = raw_input("Guess my 5 digit password to access the treasure:") 
        if Password == userGuess: 
            print "Win on the %d try" % (tries + 1) 
            hint(password, userGuess) 
            break #terminates the ongoing loop and executes next statement
    print "answer was:", Password #tells computer to print the password

def hint(password, guess): #function of the hints
     for i in range(5): #the range within the five integers
        if guess[i] == password[i]: #if the user's integer aligns with computers integer then an 'x' should appear
           print 'x',
        if guess[i] in answer: #if don't have corresponding number then an 'o' will appear
           print 'o',


我认为您确实需要在 hint() 的不同部分检查黑白钉。这使您可以删除“匹配为黑色”的内容,而不是 [错误地] 为其添加额外的白色。


def hint(password, guess):

  # convert the strings to lists so we can to assignments, below 
  password_list = list(password)
  guess_list = list(guess)

  # check for black (correct number in correct position)
  for i in range(5): #the range within the five integers
      if guess_list[i] == password_list[i]:
          print 'x',
          # punch in some non-possible value so we can exclude this on the check for white
          guess_list[i] = None
          password_list[i] = None

  # check for white (correct number in wrong position)
  for i in range(5):
      if guess_list[i] == None:
      if guess_list[i] in password_list:
          print 'o',
          # remove this from the password list, so that a given
          # password digit doesn't incorrectly count as multiple white

          # or this would work, too:
          #password_list[password_list.index(guess_list[i])] = None


如果你有更多的 Python 经验,你可能会找到更简洁的方法来使用 set() 对象或 Counter() 对象......但看看你是否能明白为什么上面的工作。


Guess my 5 digit password to access the treasure:11111
Guess my 5 digit password to access the treasure:21777
o o
Guess my 5 digit password to access the treasure:77721
o o
Guess my 5 digit password to access the treasure:21774
o o o
Guess my 5 digit password to access the treasure:21775
x o o
Guess my 5 digit password to access the treasure:14355
x x x o
Guess my 5 digit password to access the treasure:12345
Win on the 7 try


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