
标签 python

目标:- 我需要用下面的输入解析一个文件,并在状态被批准并且构建日期是最新的时获取最新的(构建日期时间戳应该是最新的)位置。我提供了示例输入和输出,我有 perl 中的代码,新的python,请建议如何在python中实现这一点

Build:          M1234BAAAANAAW9321.1
Location:       \\dreyers\builds468\INTEGRATION\M1234BAAAANAA9321.1
Comments:       Build completed, labeled, and marked for retention.
Status:         Approved
BuildDate:      10/25/2012 12:51:25

Build:          M1234BAAAANAAW9321.2
Location:       \\crmbld01\Builds\FAILED\M1234BAAAANAA9321.2
Comments:       The build is currently in a failed status.
Status:         Failed
BuildDate:      10/25/2012 19:37:17

Build:          M1234BAAAANAAW9321.3
Location:       \\freeze\builds427\INTEGRATION\M1234BAAAANAA9321.3
Comments:       Build completed, labeled, and marked for retention.
Status:         Approved
BuildDate:      10/25/2012 19:43:28



$ echo 'Build:          M1234BAAAANAAW9321.1
Location:       \\dreyers\builds468\INTEGRATION\M1234BAAAANAAW9321.1
Comments:       Build completed, labeled, and marked for retention.
Status:         Approved
BuildDate:      10/25/2012 12:51:25

Build:          M1234BAAAANAAW9321.2
Location:       \\crmbld01\Builds\FAILED\M1234BAAAANAAW9321.2
Comments:       The build is currently in a failed status.
Status:         Failed
BuildDate:      10/25/2012 19:37:17

Build:          M1234BAAAANAAW9321.3
Location:       \\freeze\builds427\INTEGRATION\M1234BAAAANAAW9321.3
Comments:       Build completed, labeled, and marked for retention.
Status:         Approved
BuildDate:      10/25/2012 19:43:28
' | perl -e'

local $/ = "";
my ( $build_date, $location );
while ( <> ) {
next unless /status:\s+approved/i;
my $date = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", ( /builddate:\s+(\d
++)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)/i )[ 2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5 ];
if ( !defined $build_date || $build_date lt $date ) {
    ( $build_date, $location ) = ( $date, /location:\s+(.+)/i );

打印“$位置\n”; ' \freeze\builds427\集成\M1234BAAAANAAW9321.3

我尝试用 python 编写以下内容,似乎没有用,我想知道是否有更好的实现来实现目标..请建议

for line_info in lines:


    if line_info.find('Location') == 0:
        # Build Location
        print "  Found Build location"
        logString += "  Found Build location\n"
        location = line_info.split(" ")
        location1 = location[len(location)-1]
    elif line_info.find('Status') == 0:
        # Status
        print "  Found Status"
        logString += "  Found Status\n"
        status = line_info.split(" ")
        status1 = status[1].strip()
        if status1 != "Approved"
        goto .start
    elif line_info.find('BuildDate') == 0:
        # Main Make
        print "  Found BuildDate"
        logString += "  Found BuildDate\n"
        builddate1 = line_info.split(" ")
        builddate1 = builddate1[1]
        #if builddate1 > 



lastLocation = None
lastTime = None
skip = False

bestLocation = None
bestTime = None

for line in text.split('\n'):    
    if line.find('Location') == 0:
        # Build Location
        skip = False
        print "  Found Build location"
        lastLocation = line.split(":")[1].lstrip()       
    elif line.find('Status') == 0:
        # Status
        print "  Found Status"
        status = line.split(":")
        status1 = status[1].strip()
        if status1 != "Approved":
            skip = True
    elif line.find('BuildDate') == 0 and not skip:
        # Main Make
        print "  Found BuildDate"
        timeStr = line.split(":", 1)[1].lstrip()
        lastTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(timeStr, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
        if bestTime == None or bestTime < lastTime:
            bestTime = lastTime
            bestLocation = lastLocation
print lastLocation

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