python 类型错误

标签 python string int concatenation typeerror


即使所有部分都是字符串,我仍收到以下 python 错误

    request = str(self.SETUP) + " " + str(self.fileName) + "RTSP/1.0";
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'


if requestCode == self.SETUP and self.state == self.INIT:
    # Update RTSP sequence number.
    self.rtspSeq = self.rtspSeq + 1

    # Write the RTSP request to be sent.
    request = str(self.SETUP) + " " + str(self.fileName) + "RTSP/1.0"

    # Keep track of the sent request.
    self.requestSent = request



if requestCode == self.SETUP and self.state == self.INIT:
    # Update RTSP sequence number.
    self.rtspSeq = int(self.rtspSeq) + 1 

    # Write the RTSP request to be sent.
    rtps_req = "RTSP/1.0"
    request = "%s %s %s" % (str(self.SETUP),str(self.fileName), rtps_req)

    # Keep track of the sent request.
    self.requestSent = request

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