python - Pygame:奇怪的 blitting 错误

标签 python pygame

我一直在使用 Python 3.1 和 PyGame 2.7 开发一个简单的主菜单。当鼠标光标在某个区域内时,屏幕上的文本应该变成白色。我正在使用函数来阻塞屏幕。第一个函数正常地 blit 主菜单,另外两个函数 blit 菜单并突出显示一些文本。 以下是函数:

def draw_main_menu(): #draw main menu normally
    screen.fill(BLACK) #clears screen

    #set up text
    new_text = menu_font.render('NEW GAME', 1, (100, 100, 100))
    load_text = menu_font.render('LOAD GAME', 1, (100, 100, 100))
    options_text = menu_font.render('OPTIONS', 1, (100, 100, 100))
    quit_text = menu_font.render('QUIT', 1,  (100, 100, 100))

    #blit text
    screen.blit(new_text, (340, 425))
    screen.blit(load_text, (335, 455))
    screen.blit(options_text, (350, 485))
    screen.blit(quit_text, (373, 515))

def draw_main_menu_ng(): #draw main menu with new game text in white

    new_text = menu_font.render('NEW GAME', 1, (255, 255, 255))
    load_text = menu_font.render('LOAD GAME', 1, (100, 100, 100))
    options_text = menu_font.render('OPTIONS', 1, (100, 100, 100))
    quit_text = menu_font.render('QUIT', 1,  (100, 100, 100))

    screen.blit(new_text, (340, 425))
    screen.blit(load_text, (335, 455))
    screen.blit(options_text, (350, 485))
    screen.blit(quit_text, (373, 515))

def draw_main_menu_lg(): #draw main menu with load game text in white

    new_text = menu_font.render('NEW GAME', 1, (100, 100, 100))
    load_text = menu_font.render('LOAD GAME', 1, (255, 255, 255))
    options_text = menu_font.render('OPTIONS', 1, (100, 100, 100))
    quit_text = menu_font.render('QUIT', 1,  (100, 100, 100))

    screen.blit(new_text, (340, 425))
    screen.blit(load_text, (335, 455))
    screen.blit(options_text, (350, 485))
    screen.blit(quit_text, (373, 515))

下面,我使用变量 x 和 y 来检查鼠标是否悬停在按钮上。第一组两个数字是 x 坐标的范围,第二组两个数字是 y 坐标的范围。

x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
#set up new game mouse positions
if x >= 340 and x <= 465:
    new_game_x_pos = True
if x < 340  or x > 465:
    new_game_x_pos = False

if y >= 425 and y <= 445:
    new_game_y_pos = True
if y < 425 or y > 445:
    new_game_y_pos = False

if new_game_x_pos == True and new_game_y_pos == True:
if new_game_x_pos == False or new_game_y_pos == False:

#set up load game mouse positions
if x >= 335 and x <= 470:
    load_game_x_pos = True
if x < 335 or x > 470:
    load_game_x_pos = False

if y >= 455 and y <= 475:
    load_game_y_pos = True
if y < 455 or y > 475:
    load_game_y_pos = False

if load_game_x_pos == True and load_game_y_pos == True:
if load_game_x_pos == False or load_game_y_pos == False:

出于某种原因,当鼠标悬停在“NEW GAME”上时,它不会改变颜色。当鼠标悬停在“LOAD GAME”上时,它会改变颜色。在我添加加载游戏的东西之前,它会改变颜色,但现在只有加载游戏才会。关于为什么它不起作用的任何想法?



菜单被绘制了两次。当鼠标检查代码评估光标位于 NEW GAME 上时,将调用 draw_main_menu_ng 。然而,检查继续进行,当它评估光标LOAD GAME上时,它还会调用draw_main_menu,否定调用的效果到 draw_main_menu_ng


if new_game_x_pos == True and new_game_y_pos == True:


我添加了 a full example of how I would make a highlight-able menu .我知道这比你问的要多得多,但如果你只是在你的代码中添加一个 return 语句,你可能会在之后遇到其他问题。我制作了完整的示例,因此您可以看到避免使用文字和几乎相同的语句的好方法。我觉得发布它很舒服,因为你必须理解它才能将它集成到游戏中。

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