python - 使用 train_test_split 的一个命令创建数据集的多分割

标签 python numpy machine-learning scikit-learn

  • 我的数据集有 42000
  • 我需要将数据集分为训练、交叉验证和测试 集,分割比例为60%、20% 和20%。这是根据 Andrew Ng 教授在他的 ml-class 讲座中的建议。
  • 我意识到 scikit-learn 有一个方法 train_test_split去做这个。但是我无法让它工作,所以我在一个线性命令中将拆分为 0.6, 0.2, 0.2


# split data into training, cv and test sets
from sklearn import cross_validation
train, intermediate_set = cross_validation.train_test_split(input_set, train_size=0.6, test_size=0.4)
cv, test = cross_validation.train_test_split(intermediate_set, train_size=0.5, test_size=0.5)

# preparing the training dataset
print 'training shape(Tuple of array dimensions) = ', train.shape
print 'training dimension(Number of array dimensions) = ', train.ndim
print 'cv shape(Tuple of array dimensions) = ', cv.shape
print 'cv dimension(Number of array dimensions) = ', cv.ndim
print 'test shape(Tuple of array dimensions) = ', test.shape
print 'test dimension(Number of array dimensions) = ', test.ndim


training shape(Tuple of array dimensions) =  (25200, 785)
training dimension(Number of array dimensions) =  2
cv shape(Tuple of array dimensions) =  (8400, 785)
cv dimension(Number of array dimensions) =  2
test shape(Tuple of array dimensions) =  (8400, 785)
test dimension(Number of array dimensions) =  2
features shape =  (25200, 784)
labels shape =  (25200,)



阅读train_test_split的源代码及其同伴类 ShuffleSplit并使其适应您的用例。这不是一个很大的功能,应该不会很复杂。

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